- Then you had better go out into the wide world," said the cat. So away went the duckling. 这只猫说:“那么你最好离开到外面广阔的世界去。”就这样这只小鸭离开了。
- "Then you had better go out into the wide world," said the cat. So away went the duckling. 这只猫说:“那麼你最好离开到外面广阔的世界去。”就这样这只小鸭离开了。
- So away went the duckling. 就这样这只小鸭离开了。
- Away went the car like a whirlwind. 汽车像旋风一样飞驰而过。
- The county town is a hundred li or so away from here. 县城离这有百儿八十里。
- Away went the policeman and the vagrant was left alone, helpless on a cold winter night. 警察离开了;那个流浪汉在冬日的夜晚无助地一个人呆着.
- Away went the guests and she spent as many as three hours tidying up the sitting-room. 客人离开后,她花了三个小时整理客厅。
- Away goes the devil when he finds the door shut against him. 看见门户紧闭,魔鬼也要离开。
- The duckling followed its mother everywhere. 小鸭子跟著鸭妈妈到处走。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- Away went the engineer. 那位工程师就走了。
- Away went the crowd one by one. 人们一个一个地离去.
- The duckling sees a small house. 丑小鸭看到一栋小屋。
- Away went the guests. 客人都走开啦。
- They feed the duckling and take care of him. 他们喂东西给丑小鸭吃,并照顾他。
- The duckling gets stronger and larger. 丑小鸭变得愈来愈壮,也愈来愈大。
- The news quickly went the round of the village. 消息很快传遍了全村。
- The duckling is happy to see the water. 丑小鸭看到水时心中好高兴。
- The news quickly went the rounds of the village. 消息很快传遍了全村。
- The duckling is tired and very hungry. 丑小鸭又累又饿。